Religous Humor

Its all intended as in good humor . . . no gospel and no preaching going on here.
How to get to heaven from Ireland
How to get to Heaven from Ireland : A true story from an Irish Sunday School Teacher..I was testing children in my Dublin Sunday school class to see if they understood the concept of getting to...
read moreBears Get Religion in Upper Peninsula
A Catholic Priest, a Baptist Preacher and a Rabbi all served as Chaplains to the students of Northern Michigan University at Marquette in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan . They would get together two...
read moreConverting a Bear
A Catholic Priest, a Baptist Preacher, and a Rabbi all served as chaplains to the students of Northern Michigan University in Marquette . They would get together two or three times a...
read moreElderly Catholic Italian Man
Italian man who lived on the outskirts of Rimini, Italy, went to the local church for confession. When the priest slid open the panel in the confessional, the man said: “Father, during World...
read moreCatholic Heart Attack !!
A man suffered a serious heart attack while shopping in a store. The store clerks called 911 when they saw him collapse to the floor. The paramedics rushed the man to the nearest hospital where he...
read moreSigns from the heavens. . .
The graveside service just barely finished, when there was massive clap of thunder, followed by a tremendous bolt of lightning, accompanied by even more thunder rumbling in the distance… The...
read moreCatholic School – steppin’ up to the math
Little Zachary was doing very badly in math. His parents had tried everything…tutors, mentors, flash cards, special learning centers. In short, everything they could think of to help his...
read moreTwo Beggars in Rome
Two beggars are sitting side by side on a street in Rome. One has a Cross in front of him; the other one is holding the Star of David. Many people go by, look at both beggars, but only put money...
read moreMartini Sermon:
The young priest was so afraid at his first mass that he could hardly speak. Before his second week in the pulpit, he asked the monsignor, “How can I relax?” The monsignor, a veteran of...
read moreConfessional
An old man walks into a confessional. The following conversation ensues: Man : I am 92 years old, have a wonderful wife of 70 years, many children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren....
read moreThe chauffer
The Pope had just finished a tour of the East Coast and was taking a limousine to the airport. Having never driven a limo, he asked the chauffeur if he could drive for awhile. Well, the chauffeur...
read moreGod’s view on Michigan
Once upon a time in the Kingdom of Heaven, God was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael the archangel found him, resting on the seventh day. He inquired of God, “Where have you...
read moreArthritis
A drunk man who smelled like whiskey sat down on a bench in a subway station, next to a priest. The man’s tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a half empty bottle of...
read moreHOW MOSES GOT THE 10 COMMANDMENTS (not politically correct!)
HOW MOSES GOT THE 10 COMMANDMENTS (not politically correct!) God went to the Arabs and said, ‘I have Commandments for you that will make your lives better.’ The Arabs asked,...
This is much easier to remember! Ten Commandments Some people have trouble with all those ‘shall’s’ and ‘shall not’s’ in the Ten Commandments....
read more5 nuns in a bar
Sisters Mary Catherine, Maria Theresa, Katherine Marie, Rose Frances, & Mary Kathleen left the Convent on a trip to St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City and were sight-seeing on a...
read moreLate Night Obama
SOME ARE TOO FUNNY NOT TO MENTION… Obama The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree . . . and think 25 to life would be appropriate. Leno America needs...
read moreTime to donate
Father O’Malley answers the phone… “Hello.” “Is this Father O’Malley?” “It is.” “This is the IRS. Can you help us?” “I will...
read moreI’ll wait for you at the pearly gates. . .
After a long illness, a woman died and arrived at the Gates of Heaven. While she was waiting for Saint Peter to greet her, she peeked through the Gates. She saw a beautiful banquet table. Sitting all...
read moreWhen I get to heaven . . .
Three guys died and when they get to the pearly gates, St. Peter meets them there. St. Peter said, “I know that you guys are forgiven because you’re here. Before I let you into Heaven, I...
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