How’s My Driving Call Takes A Wrong Turn

YouTube Preview ImageCompliments of comedian Tom Mabe

Compliments of Tom Mabe:

Being a professional stand-up comedian, I drive a lot. I’m like a trucker hauling jokes. Recently I missed an exit in Chicago and ended up in a questionable part of town. I remained calm, but my GPS had a panic attack. “Make a U-turn!” it hollered. “Seriously, make a U-turn! Run the light! I’m not joking, RUN THE DAMN LIGHT! RECALCULATING!”

I’ve been all over. I’ve driven past that barn near Knoxville that reads SEE ROCK CITY a thousand times, and never stopped to see Rock City. I’ve been to South Dakota several times, and not once have I seen Mount Rushmore. I once did a corporate show forty miles from the Grand Canyon, and didn’t have time to see it! Always on the go! A flight to catch, a seventeen-hour drive to endure, or a school play that I promised not to miss … again.

The two hardest things about traveling are trying to find something to do with your time, and staying awake. Once I took a nap in Nebraska, and woke up in Iowa. Thank God for the concrete ridges in the emergency lane, they’re aerodynamically designed to keep you awake.

This idea came one day while I was driving across America. We’ve all been behind trucks that have that How’s My Driving? sticker a zillion times, right? I often wonder if people only call when the driver is not driving so well. What if he was driving, like, extremely great? Does that merit a call? Hells yes it does! That company should know their driver has mad driving skills, that he just switched lanes and … used his turn signal! This guy is so good he should be giving lessons!

So one day I was driving behind a moving company truck, and decided to jot down the number on the back. This video is the actual call that I made to their company.

Drive safely!

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